
The Integrative Projects of the second program aim to facilitate the advancement of the Community countries towards development.

Ce deuxième programme se décline en quatre (4) axes et treize (13) projets. Les projets intégrateurs pour lesquels des financements sont recherchés sont des projets matures, économiquement et financièrement rentables.

Axis 1: Development of transport infrastructure to facilitate physical integration and the free movement of people and goods.

Axis 2: Enhancing Energy Production

Axis 3: Promoting a Unified Common Market for Strengthened Trade Integration

Axis 4 : Economic diversification

Participant's handbook

21st October 2023

Participant's workbook (FR)

The registration platform
will open on Monday 6 November 2023.

La plateforme d’inscription ouvrira à partir du lundi 6 novembre 2023.